3 Ways to Overcome Negative Thoughts Associated with Pain

Overcome Negative Thoughts

With the advancing technology, we are getting everything from global news to food that we want right at our fingertips. It significantly reduced the physical work to the extent that it is profoundly disrupting both physical and mental abilities. It also resulted in the hike of various chronic conditions, including obesity, back pain, and depression. Living with a psychological or physical illness can be grueling. If you are suffering from pain for 3 months or more, then it can also damage other organs or functions of the body.

Furthermore, it can make a person more irritable, tired, sleep & eating disorders. It gravely affects both personal and professional life. Making a friend or even maintaining a healthy relationship with your loved ones could become a hard task. Plus, weak mental health creates a hard block in the journey of maintaining health or even treating diseases.

It is essential to be rigid towards pain and control it with your mind. Medications, therapies, and exercises play a great deal in balancing out a healthy mental life. It not only augments the treatment but also helps in leading a happy and stress-free life. Besides, regulating your anxiety levels is also important to enrich your treatments and improve your overall health.

Cope up with pain through your thoughts:

For controlling your thoughts, at first, you must nurture your days with conscious life-choices and mental awareness. You should encourage yourself so that with passing the time, you can change your thinking style. With time you need to develop your mind so that it automatically flows positively.

3 ways to keep your thoughts healthy:

With the help of your family members, friends, the counselor, you can practice these 3 steps:

  • Ask: You need to first keep a proper check on your thoughts. Ask yourself if it is healthy or not?
  • Stop: As soon as you realize that negative thoughts are surrounding your mind, send signals to your mind to stop.
  • Get over your negative thoughts: You need to develop positive thoughts to overcome the negative ones.

You need to incorporate this way of a healthy lifestyle as a lifestyle change in your body.


  • You need to check your thoughts: You need to question yourself every time. Is thinking about pain helping you is someway? Are you getting any relief or benefit out of it?
  • Start Filtering: You need to filter out whether your current thought process is doing any good at this particular point in your life. Focus on the pros and cons of your thoughts when dealing with any situation. If you find more cons than pros, then you should probably change it. Your thoughts also play a significant role in the way your disease slows down or progresses.
  • Start Accepting: You need to accept that not every day could be evenly happy or sad. Having a reality check on your life is vital to prepare your brain to deal with the conditions effectively. If you are having a bad day, just have a cup of coffee and tell yourself to relax.
  • Never say never: You should never say never. If you make up your mind and feel that you have to live with the pain, nothing will be able to help you out. Then, this might result in truth. No one can help you when you can’t control your thoughts from dwelling into negativity.


  • Stop your negative thoughts: Once you are aware that you have some negative thoughts, take a deep breath, and observe the thoughts. You need to tell yourself that you are worth much more than this and can achieve a lot of things in life. You need not look only on the negative perspective of life, but also the little positivity that you come across every day.
  • Stop being self-conscious: People start blaming and questioning themselves. Why am I only facing this pain? What have I done wrong? Why are these medicines not helping me? If you don’t have faith that you will be cured, no medications or treatments can help you. You need to trust the process you are going through. Moreover, you need to remember that everyone has a struggle in life. You need just to stop judging and have a joyful life.


Get over your negative thoughts:

Finally, to overcome the un-useful thoughts, you need to replace it with something useful once. You can do it by:

  • Self-talk: We often think that talking to myself helps. But it does help. You sometimes need to talk to yourself and think or talk about some happy incidents of life.
  • Write down: You need to write down your negative thoughts and positive thoughts. Strike down the thoughts or things that do not matter to you. Furthermore, it can help you focus on the positives and give less or no importance to negativities.
  • Motivate yourself: You can also motivate yourself by reading a motivational novel or watching videos. Even listening to your favorite songs can motivate you and alleviate your mental burden. It can create a positive impact on your mind and help you develop a long-lasting mental strength.

Start following these tips and take control of your brain. With proper concentration and focus, you can have control over your mind. Rather than letting your brain control you.

Author Bio:

Emylee  is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts and personal experiences related to natural remedies, yoga and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure. She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.


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