4 Best Remedies To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

4 Best Remedies To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

As you get older your skin  may start showing signs of aging. One of the skin conditions that you may develop as you get older is appearance of dark spots on your face and body.

Dark spots are also known as age spots. They are discolored patches of skin that can appear on your face, shoulders, arms, or back.  However, there are several simple and natural homemade remedies that can help reduce the appearance of these dark spot on your face and body.

Here are ways that can help you remove dark spots naturally:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Since apple cider vinegar naturally contains alpha hydroxy acids, it is an awesome exfoliator, very similar to the most expensive anti-aging cremes.All you need is to apply some ACV on the affected areas every night before going to bed. Repeat the procedure daily for three to four weeks.

Onion Juice

I know what you are thinking right now: “There is no way I’m going to put some of that stinky onion on my face. No way.” Trust me on this one is all I can say. Onions contain some good acids that may fade dark spots. They are loaded with vitamins A, C, and E; vitamins that contain powerful antioxidants that protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun and the free radicals that cause the skin to wrinkle and age. Cut the onion into slices and rub them on your face. Leave it like that for 15 minutes and then rinse it with water. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a day.

Aloe Vera

We are all aware of aloe vera’s innumerable healing properties of the skin.  It contains 90% of the amino acids found in our body, in addition to vitamins A, B, C, and E.  Using the juice directly from the aloe vera plant and applying it on the spots works best. Rub the dark spots with it and leave it for about an hour. Rinse it off with cold water. Repeat the procedure twice a day for a month.

Lemon Juice

This could possibly be the best remedy for getting rid of dark spots. Lemon juice contains bleaching agents that will fade the dark pigment found in dark spots on the skin. Apply some lemon juice on a cotton ball on the affected area. Leave it 20 minutes and rinse it with cold water. Repeat this method two times a day for two months, and the outcome will amaze you.



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