10 Health Benefits of Lettuce

Health Benefits of Lettuce

Lettuce is often called ‘the perfect weight loss food’ but it is way much more. With its amazing healing benefits and 20% protein by calories it by right should be called ‘gorilla food’.

Quick Note:  Choose romaine lettuce if you can, instead of iceberg.  This kind of lettuce has one of the highest nutritional values in its category.  Most of the people are familiar only with iceberg lettuce. Unfortunately this type has the lowest nutrition.

If we compare these two, romaine has…

Twice the protein
Eight times the Vitamin C
Twice the calcium
Less sugars and sodium
Three times the Vitamin K
Four times the iron
Seventeen times the Vitamin A (Nutritional data originally from USDA SR-21)

If we follow the general rule to choose reds and green and dark coloured foods over whites, we should know that red and green leaf lettuce is more nutritional than iceberg also.

10 Health Benefits of Lettuce:

  1. Low Calorie Content and almost no fat. 

It has only 12 calories for 1 shredded cup.
This is why it is so good for weight loss.

  1. High in Fiber and Cellulose

Did you know that lettuce is good for weight loss.
The fiber in it also helps remove bile salts from the body. When the body replaces these salts it breaks down the cholesterol.  This is why lettuce is also good for your heart!

  1. Healthy Heart

Lettuce’s vitamin C and beta-carotene work together to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.  This prevents the build up of plaque.

  1. Omega 3 Fatty acids.

Romaine lettuce’s ratiot of omega-3 to omega-6 is 2:1.  That’s an excellent ratio.
The fat content in lettuce is not significant UNLESS you eat a lot.

  1. Complete Protein

Romaine lettuce has 20 % of its calories in protein. Like all whole foods, much of this protein is complete but that amount can be increased by combining with balancing proteins.

  1. Helps with Insomnia

The white fluid you see when you cut or break the lettuce leaves is called lactucarium. It has relaxing and sleep inducing properties similar to opium. The important thing is that it’s like tha opium but without the strong side effects. Simply eat a few leaves or drink some lettuce juice.

  1. Lettuce is Alkaline Forming

The minerals it contains help to remove toxins and keep your acid/alkaline balance in order.  Once you are balanced on this level there are a lots of benefits including greater energy, clearer thinking, deep restful sleep, and youthful skin.

  1. Low Glycemic Index

Lettuce’s average glycemic index is 15, but because it has so few calories. Its glycemic load is considered zero. For anyone watching their blood sugars for medical reasons this is great.  Low glycemic index also is great of weight management.

  1. Whole live food

Lettuce is almost always eaten raw which has many micronutrients not found in cooked or processed food.  Eating raw food also adds vital energies not isolated or recognized by nutritional science.

The large food corporations have not found a way to package lettuce long term or stick it in cans or boxes.  Let’s hope they never do! Actually, lettuce is one of the few foods which can be found organic and pre-washed already in bins for you to eat immediately.

  1. Lettuce Tastes Great

Even though lettuce has very low calories, many varieties still have a sweet taste. To get maximum benefit from your food you should really WANT to eat it with your whole body not just your mind saying it is good for you. If you like the bitter taste you can find that too!

Types of Lettuce:

  1. Romaine – This one is for your classic Greek salad. Sweet and crunchy.
  2. Crisphead – Iceberg.  White on the inside.  Crisp texture and mild taste.
  3. Butterhead – Large green leaves that are soft and sweet.
  4. Red and Green Leaf:  delicate taste and leaves.

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Lettuce Cautions:

Unless you buy it organic, lettuce can contain a lot of toxins and pesticides. This is because:

  1. It has a high surface to weight ratio.
  2. Bugs and microorganisms love those tender lettuce leaves just as much as you.

But nowadays organic lettuce is getting more and more available.



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