7 Important Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds


To be honest – most of us need a snack now and then. As opposed to pursuing a treat between meals, a healthy snack would indeed be handy.

Not only do pumpkin seeds make a crunchy and satisfying treat, they furthermore give some shocking health benefits to the body!

7 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds:

  1. Anti-inflammatory Benefits

Research has shown that pumpkin seed oil provides anti-inflammatory benefits for the body. A study found that pumpkin seed oil performs just as well as the anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin in treating arthritis, without any dangerous side effects.

  1. Tryptophan For Restful Sleep 

Tryptophan is another ingredient that of the pumpkin seeds. The body converts tryptophan into serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin. The melatonin is  often called the sleep hormone. Eating pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed can help promote a restful night’s sleep.

  1. Anti-Diabetic Effects

Pumpkin seeds are especially beneficial for people who are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Studies have shown that they can help improve insulin regulation in the body to prevent diabetic complication by decreasing oxidative stress.

  1. Plant-Based Omega-3 Fats

The pumpkin seeds are a healthy source of plant-based omega-3’s. Include an adequate amount of Omega-3’s in your diet to help reduce your risk of heart disease and give your immune system a healthy boost.

  1. Zinc For Immune Support

These seeds are rich in zinc. And we know that the zinc is a beneficial mineral for the body. Zinc helps boost immunity. It plays a role in sleep, mood, skin health and insulin regulation. Among other health issues, zinc deficiency is associated with increased illness, chronic fatigue, depression and acne.

  1. Magnesium For Heart Health

Did you know that 1/2 a cup of pumpkin seeds contains nearly the full recommended daily amount of magnesium. And magnesium is vital for a wide range of functions in the body. This includes proper bone and tooth formation, and the pumping of the heart.

  1. Heart and Liver Health

Pumpkin seeds contain healthy fats, dietary fiber and antioxidants, all of which can provide major benefits for heart and liver health. Antioxidants also play a role in keeping the heart and liver healthy and strong.



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