101-Year-Old Mom Makes Her Son Stop The Car So She Can Play In The Snow

101-Year-Old Mom Makes Her Son Stop The Car So She Can Play In The Snow

Everyday life is a struggle, and it comes with numerous periods of hardships and memorable times of joy. But have you mastered the skill to enjoy the moment yet?

Every day someone advises us to focus on the moment we live, the present moment, but many of us are simply consumed by the stress of their hectic lifestyle.

As people get older, most of them become wiser and somehow more aware of the importance to use time appropriately. As becoming wiser, they start seeing happiness in small things in life, just like they did when they were children. I believe that this is an incomparable wisdom.

This is the case with Albina, a 105- year old mother, still finds joy in the small things in life, including the snow.

In 2015, as her son Armand Foisy was driving her through Lillooet, British Columbia, this amazing woman asked him to pull over so she could play in the snow!

In the video, the joyous woman can be seen bending over to pick up snow and make careful snowballs. She took the time and effort to craft a perfect one, and her 101 years of experience helped her achieve her goal!

When she decided to take the time and effort to craft the perfect snowball, it was clear to see that her 101 years of experience were coming in handy. This is definitely one of the finest snowballs that we have ever seen.

Her son shared the video on Facebook, with the caption: “Here’s proof that if you find pure joy in the simple things you can live a 100 years.”

Here is what he said:

“I turned the car around about 3 kilometers from town, but before I could get back on the road, the door flies open and out steps mom. When you have a mother that’s 101 years old, it’s a good thing to keep the camera nearby for those special moments.” 

The video quickly went viral, with more than 10 million views, 174K shares, and over 50K reactions.

Armand added:

“When you’re 101 the wheels start to fall off, but not mentally. That’s the amazing thing about her. Her strength and her joy of living are not diminished one iota. She laughs at everything, she’s so giving.”

He re-uploaded the video again in November 2018 to remind people of the lesson his mom Albina teaches us all- to remain young in spirit and find joy in little things in life.

He wrote:

“Three years ago today that was mom playing in the snow. Now she’s 104 and doing very well. Can you imagine?”

She recently turned 105, and her son said:

 “We laugh a lot. It’s a family thing. This moment is not unique for us. There are more of those and there have been, but this resonated with everyone.”



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