4 Most Powerful Heart Healthy Drinks


Since most of the heart diseases are genetically inherited, a proper care for your heart is necessary. A healthy diet and regular physical activity can keep your heart healthy and protect it from diseases.

Here we present you 4 drinks that can have a powerful impact on your heart health — or even save your life.

4 Most Powerful Heart Healthy Drinks:


A study have shown that the consumption of water reduces the risk of heart disease. It is important for everyone to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If your body get dehydrated, your blood will get thicker, and your heart  will need more energy to pump blood throughout the body. Chronic dehydration can lead to high blood pressure.

Black Tea

Polyphenols, an abundant micronutrients, found in the black tea, are powerful antioxidants and have great restorative powers. They promote heart health,  lowers the cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke, improve the function of blood vessels and blood flow in arteries. It is recommended to drink it without any sweetener.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranates are an excellent source of antioxidants. The regular consumption of the healthy pomegranate juice can protect your heart because it has the power to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and increase blood flow to the heart. Do not forget to drink this juice fresh and also just as the black tea, without additional sweeteners.

Green Tea

Green tea also, as the previous three drinks has antioxidant that keeps your heart. Daily consumption of green tea reduces the risk of coronary artery disease. It lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of occurrence of clots and stroke.



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