Have You Tried This Home Remedy That Will Give You Relief From Sciatica And Back Pain???

Home Remedy That Will Give You Relief From Sciatica And Back Pain = Garlic Milk

About 10 percent of the people in the world suffer from lower back pain. Back pain is the number one cause of job disability. Approximately eight out of ten Americans struggle with back pain, which has become the main cause of painkiller addiction.

But, the painkillers don’t have to be the first choice for you. There are highly effective natural remedies to help you ease the pain in the back and in the sciatic nerve. Our suggestion would be, before you turn to painkillers, try this remedy instead.

Garlic milk is actually an Ayurvedic remedy that possess strong anti-inflammatory properties, that can treat countless health issues, which include sciatica and back pain.

The natural cure that we will present you is completely safe and contains only two ingredients, garlic, and milk.

We know that the garlic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics, that fights inflammation, strengthens the immune system, boosts heart health, cures infections, and prevents cancer.

And milk, even the small children know, is rich in protein, vitamin B12, and calcium.

How to prepare the Garlic Milk:


  • 250 ml of milk
  • 4 cloves of garlic, crushed


Boil the mixture of milk and garlic in a saucepan. Stir constantly. Then, remove the saucepan from heat, and leave it to cool down.

Pour the milk into a cup, and you can add some honey.

Drink the garlic milk once a day, and you will significantly relieve sciatica and back pain in a short time.

For best results, combine this remedy with several effective stretching exercises:

  • sitting pigeon pose
  • forward pigeon pose
  • sitting spinal stretch
  • standing hamstring stretch
  • reclining pigeon pose
  • knee to opposite shoulder

It is important to do these exercises because they will support the muscles, boost your flexibility, repair the damage, and drastically relieve the pain.


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