A Healthy Juice That Hydrates Your Brain And Removes Migraines

Healthy Juice That Hydrates Your Brain

Besides being  painful and annoying, headaches can often be a sign that we are not taking a proper care of our health.

By dehydrating the body or consuming unhealthy foods, the pain in the head and the migraine might have a negative impact on our everyday life.

Dehydration is considered as a chronic issue, and cannot be treated with one glass of water, as the body has been lacking water for weeks and months, and it has lost numerous nutrients, energy, and elasticity.

Treat the migraine pain with the help of these three minerals: calcium, potassium, and magnesium. The following juice includes them all and is also high in water, so it can effectively detox the body.

Here is the Healthy Juice Recipe, That Hydrates Your Brain And Removes Migraines:


  • 1-inch ginger root
  • 2 cups green grapes
  • ¼ lemon
  • 1 green apple
  • Bunch spinach leaves
  • 2 green peppers

If you combine this juice with other healthy foods, you can effectively prevent next migraine attacks and headaches.

Also, make sure you stay away from foods which lead to migraines and inflammation. This inclides alcohol, artificial foods, fatty foods, sugar, nuts, sweeteners, chocolate, seeds, flour foods, dairy, and caffeine.


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